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Liset M de la Prida is a physicist and PhD in Neuroscience. Along years, she has held visiting positions in the laboratories of David Brown and Michael Hausser (UCL, UK), Leon Lagnado (MRC, UK) and Steven J. Schiff (Krasnow Institute, USA) that have equipped her with a multidisciplinary background and expertise to study brain function. After postdoctoral training with Richard Miles in Paris (ICM), she became Group Leader at the Instituto Cajal, CSIC, in 2008 and Full Research Professor in 2021. The main goal of her lab is to understand how the dynamics of hippocampal microcircuits support memory function in health and disease across species, including the human brain.

Liset is a leading expert in the study of physiological and pathological brain oscillations, with experience in developing groundbreaking neurotechnologies and the application of computational & machine learning tools to analyze brain activity. She has participated in Scientific Advisory Boards and Evaluation Committees of several institutions, such as C-BRAINS (Paris, France) and NERF-IMEC (Leuven). Liset has served as scientific Editor for specialized journals such as Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Hippocampus, Journal of Neuroscience, eLife and eNeuro, and has commissioning duties in the American Epilepsy Society (Task Force Working Groups on Behavior and Networks), the Spanish Societies of Epilepsy (Coordinator Science Group 2014-18) and Neuroscience (Executive Board, 2011-2015), and FENS (Programme Committee FENS 2022, and Chair of the Programme Committee FENS 2024).